
Advanced Vision Therapy Center Blog

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Interactive Metronome

February 14, 2017

The human brain measures time continuously, and has developed three general classes of timing systems: circadian, interval, and millisecond timing...

Winter TBI

January 30, 2017

Well folks, Idaho has officially been taken over by “Snowpocalypse.” While this record amount of snow poses a lot of challenges (school cancellations, treacherous driving, shoveling, flooding, etc.)...

Binocular Vision Assessments

January 20, 2017

In this blog we are going to discuss Binocular Vision Assessments, how they differ from annual comprehensive eye exams and what type of doctor performs Binocular Vision Assessments...

Visual Demands of Hockey

November 29, 2016

Hockey is a fast paced, dynamic sport that requires a myriad of skill sets. Players aspiring to move up to the next level train year-round, both on and off the ice. Highly competitive players, and those on the brink of moving up, are using sports visual training to give them an edge against the competition.

Double Vision

November 23, 2016

When people see “Two for One” deals they are generally pretty excited or if you remember the 90's tv commercial for Double Mint Gum, “double your please, double your fun...


November 18, 2016

Many people are familiar or know someone who has an eye-turn. Most commonly people are familiar with seeing a person with an inward eye-turn...

Visual Working Memory

November 15, 2016

Visual working memory (VWM) is a broader term used to describe two very different functions – visual short-term memory and visual working memory...

Tennis' Visual Demands

September 29, 2016

Tennis players, like most athletes, are constantly looking for new ways to enhance sports performance and gain a competitive edge...

Exotropia (Outward Eye Turn)

September 16, 2016

Eye-turns are interesting phenomenon that can occur at any stage of life and can go in different directions. Regardless of the deviation type it is important to have an assessment with a residency trained eye-care provider to determine the type and cause of eye-turn.

Eye Movement Disorder Following Brain Injury

August 08, 2016

Oculomotor Dysfunction is a relatively common vision problem, occurring in both children and adults. Oculomotor Dysfunction is a visual condition sometimes referred to as 'tracking difficulties' or 'eye movement disorder'. Oculomotor dysfunction commonly results from an acquired brain injury and can have profound impacts on a person's quality of life.