
Advanced Vision Therapy Center Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

Visual Working Memory

November 15, 2016

Visual working memory (VWM) is a broader term used to describe two very different functions – visual short-term memory and visual working memory...

Tennis' Visual Demands

September 29, 2016

Tennis players, like most athletes, are constantly looking for new ways to enhance sports performance and gain a competitive edge...

Exotropia (Outward Eye Turn)

September 16, 2016

Eye-turns are interesting phenomenon that can occur at any stage of life and can go in different directions. Regardless of the deviation type it is important to have an assessment with a residency trained eye-care provider to determine the type and cause of eye-turn.

Eye Movement Disorder Following Brain Injury

August 08, 2016

Oculomotor Dysfunction is a relatively common vision problem, occurring in both children and adults. Oculomotor Dysfunction is a visual condition sometimes referred to as 'tracking difficulties' or 'eye movement disorder'. Oculomotor dysfunction commonly results from an acquired brain injury and can have profound impacts on a person's quality of life.

Esotropia (Inward Eye Turn)

July 7, 2016

Strabismus, or eye-turns are an interesting phenomenon that can occur at any stage of life. Just as interesting, either eye can turn and it can turn in any direction; up, down, in or out. In today's blog we are going to discuss esotropia; an inward eye turn. This a condition with many varieties that responds to a number of treatments.

Oculomotor Dysfunction

July 7, 2023

Oculomotor Dysfunction occurs when there is the absence or defect of controlled, voluntary, and purposeful eye movement. As you might imagine, accurate and well established oculomotor skills are critical when reading, writing, copying information, working on art projects, finding an object in a background, playing sports and many other activities we perform in our highly visual world.

Visual Perception

July 7, 2016

Visual perception refers to the way in which the brain interprets and processes visual information. Visual perception is not tested using an eye chart - the ability to read the 20/20 row does not mean a person is free of visual perception deficits.

Golf's Visual Demands

June 28, 2016

If you are a golfer interested in improving your performance, it is always a good idea to have a sports vision and Interactive Metronome assessment. A comprehensive sports vision assessment is performed by an optometrist who is residency trained in binocular vision and neuro-optometry.

Convergence Insufficiency & The Stroop Effect

June 21, 2016

Every day in our practice we diagnose and treat patients (both children and adults) with convergence insufficiency and other forms of binocular vision dysfunction. The results and success rate are astounding.

Baseball's Visual Demand

June 6, 2016

Most of us think of 20/20 vision as “perfect” vision, which is better vision than half of the American population. It may surprise you but 20/20 is not even close to the vision necessary to play major-league baseball. Below-average vision can be enough to ruin the aspirations of an otherwise talented athlete and end a potential career before it begins.