Eye Injury Prevention

It's a dangerous world we live in today! With October upon us, people are thinking about spooky, creepy crawly things, and of course things that go bump in the night. Most ghoul hunters know that to protect themselves from the evil lurking in the shadows this time of year, they need the necessities such as garlic, silver bullets, a cross...you know, for protection.

Unfortunately, this type of protection doesn't do anything to protect your eyes! Seriously, ghost hunting / vampire hunting / werewolf hunting can be detrimental to the eyes! There can be fluid, splinters, bullets, and who knows what flying about. The last thing any Halloween hunter needs is to sustain an eye injury and risk not being able to escape! Protect yourself by protecting your eyes this October.

Eye injuries can occur any where, work, home, and even in sports. It is important to take the necessary precautions to prevent an eye injury. An interesting fact is that most people assume that eye injuries occur on the job but more injuries actually occur at home. Generally this happens during mundane chores such as cleaning or yardwork. Another place eye injuries occur can be during sports. The most common eye injuries are as follows:

  • Flying objects (no not UFOs or bats): Anytime there is even a possibility of a projectile it is important to wear protective eye-wear. Protective eye-wear can vary depending on the activity. For example if playing baseball you would want to wear impact resistant lenses and an impact resistant frame. Or if you were in the wood shop (sharpening stakes or making a bowl) and there are wood chips flying around it is important to wear goggles that don't allow small particles to go behind the lenses. Every day glasses don't help with small particles or even large, fast moving objects. The eye is highly innervated, meaning that it is very sensitive.

  • Tools: We have all heard that it is good not to run with scissors but improperly using or traveling with any tools is outrageously dangerous! That is true in terms of general health and eye-care. Make sure your tools are kept in good working order and are cleaned regularly. If they are not up to standard it might be time to get a new tool or have it serviced. Even the nice man in Texas who enjoyed chainsaws cleaned his blade regularly.

  • Chemicals: Chemicals come in most day to day objects and we just take them for granted. Obviously there are the cleaners that are very caustic for cleaning up the big messes that have a distinct chemical smell (looking at you bleach). Many people don't realize that even that grapefruit scented face wash contains chemicals. Getting any type of chemical within the eye can be very painful and can be sight threatening. If a chemical ever gets in the eye, flush the eye immediately for at least ten minutes and seek immediate eyecare! Both acid and bases can be very detrimental and even damage the cells responsible for proper eye healing. If working with general household cleaners make sure to wear protective chemical goggles that are sealed to protect the eyes.

  • Ultra-violet Radiation: This applies to everyone (especially Dracula), ultra-violet radiation can damage the eyes. Even if you are out doing leisurely yard work it is important to wear sunglasses and a hat. We vant..hehe sorry...want you to protect your eyes from ultra-violet light when you are outside.

  • Tiny Particles: Even the smallest particles can irritate the eye so it is important to wear appropriate eye protection. Certain things we can take for granted but even dust from concrete being poured can severely damage the eye (concrete dust is highly basic). If there is a chance a particle can get in the eye wear protective glasses. Remember, every day glasses will not do the trick!

There are a variety of ways the eyes can get injured in day-to-day life and it is important to speak with knowledgeable individuals who can get you the best protection for your job. Our doctors and opticians are knowledgeable about the best eye-wear for your activity. And should an unfortunate event occur that causes an eye injury, please contact our office immediately. Our eye doctors offer same day appointments for emergencies. Waiting to seek care can cause increased ocular damage and can sometimes be sight threatening. While a red, irritated eye can enhance a zombie costume it can negatively impact your sight and overall comfort. Keep your eyes safe. You never know when you might have to look for the thing that goes bump in the night!