Could 77,195 in Idaho Have a Vision Condition Impacting Their Learning?

1 in 4 children have a vision problem significant enough to impact learning. What does that mean for Idaho? Of the 308,780 children between the ages of 5 and 17 in Idaho, a quarter of them could have a vision problem that is holding back their academic progress. When we say “vision problem” we are not just talking about the ability to see 20/20, we are talking about the ability to see 20/20 AND eye teaming, tracking, and focusing skills that allow a child to use their eyes effectively in the classroom. 20/20 vision does not do a child much good if they see double, skip lines of text, or cannot use their eyes in a coordinated manner.

Idaho's national rankings in academic success are no secret; we have room for improvement. Improving education in Idaho is a team effort and one member of that team is your child's residency-trained optometrist. Optometrists with residency-training in pediatrics, binocular vision, or vision therapy are able to diagnose and treat the vision conditions that impact learning. The importance of vision in the learning process cannot be understated. 80% or more of classroom learning occurs through the visual system. This starts with seeing 20/20, but also includes binocular vision skills (eye teaming, tracking, and focusing) as well as visual perceptual abilities (how the brain interprets visual information). Our residency-trained doctors are able to evaluate all aspects of the visual system and discuss the functional impacts that visual deficits can have on your child.

Before your child becomes part of the 67.4% of Idaho fourth graders who are unable to read at grade level, be sure to rule out the vision conditions that can impact reading. The residency-trained doctors at Artisan Optics are Idaho's best best choice in pediatric eye care.

Not all reading problems are related to vision conditions, but for those that are treatment is available at Advanced Vision Therapy Center. Vision conditions will not respond to tutoring, extra reading help, or other forms of therapy. Accurate diagnosis allows our experts to provide research-based treatment to resolve binocular vision dysfunction.