
About Our Treatment Options

Advanced Vision Therapy Center is the Northwest's premier clinic for Vision Therapy, Neuro-Optometric Vision Rehabilitation and Sports Vision Training. Located in beautiful Boise Idaho, Advanced Vision Therapy Center serves patients from the immediate area as well as those who travel to Idaho for this specialized care.

We offer a number of treatment options tailored to the specific visual needs of each patient. Our evidence and research-based approach to treatment is goal and outcome oriented. Every treatment session at Advanced Vision Therapy Center is provided in a one-on-one environment with our licensed and specially-trained therapists. Additionally, every treatment program is overseen by our Residency-Trained Neuro-Optometrist to ensure optimum results.

Our elevated level of care is accomplished by implementing a comprehensive approach to your treatment. Throughout the assessment process, our doctors evaluate the components of your visual system function as they relate to your current symptoms and visual struggles. Refractive error (prescription), ocular health changes and visual functions (binocular vision, visual perception, visual processing, etc) are all considered in the context of your clinical case. A treatment plan that can encompass multiple treatment options is then put in place. This may include passive treatment (such as specialty glasses with prism), active treatment (such as patching, surgery or vision therapy), or a combination of treatment options.

These multiple approaches are used in harmony to provide improved prognosis and efficiency of your treatment. Advanced Vision Therapy Center communicates with the members of your care team managing the non-visual components to your case. This ensures a collaborative, more successful approach to your care. Advanced Vision Therapy Center provides several types of active intervention and treatment.

Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy at Advanced Vision Therapy Center is an evidence and research-based approach to treating conditions affected by deficits in eye tracking, eye teaming and eye focusing. Conditions such as convergence insufficiency, accommodative dysfunction, amblyopia (lazy eye), intermittent strabismus (eye turn) and oculomotor dysfunction (poor tracking) respond extremely well to vision therapy. Vision therapy addresses sensory deficits within the visual system through neurological change. Vision therapy creates a more coordinated visual system at a subconscious level to create lifelong improvements without the need for repeated therapy or a maintenance program.

Neuro-Optometric Vision Rehabilitation

Neuro-Optometric Vision Rehabilitation at Advanced Vision Therapy Center allows for active rehabilitation of the visual system following an acquired brain injury (concussion, traumatic brain injury, stroke, etc). The visual system is often fragile and dysfunctional following an acquired brain injury. Neuro-Optometric Vision Rehabilitation re-establishes a stable visual system that provides clear, comfortable, single, consistent vision. Neuro-Optometric Vision Rehabilitation should be implemented early in any rehabilitation program for patients suffering from visual conditions or symptoms following an acquired brain injury.

Sports Vision Training

Sports Vision Training at Advanced Vision Therapy Center is available for competitive athletes of any ability level who want to maximize their visual performance. Each program is tailored to the specific sport or position played by the athlete with an emphasis on unique visual demands. A Sports Vision Training Program improves the speed, precision and magnitude of an athlete's visual skills by incorporating visual training exercises and millisecond-specific biofeedback. You can gain a competitive edge - just like collegiate, semi-professional and professional athletes do - with a sports vision training program.

Visual Processing Therapy

Visual Processing Therapy at Advanced Vision Therapy Center treats visual perceptual deficits, prolonged or delayed visual processing speed and poor visual working memory. Visual Processing Therapy incorporates millisecond-specific biofeedback and vision training activities to improve how quickly, accurately and efficiently visual information is processed by the brain. Visual Processing Therapy allows the individual to effectively organize incoming visual information from an ever-changing visual environment. It also allows the individual to keep pace with the demands of school, work, or time-sensitive tasks (such as driving).